Izumo Data Tech - Cloud Server Consulting. Remote Cloud Sever Setup, Maintenance and Support, Monitoring and Solutions

Introduction flow

As an IT system operation professional, Izumo believes that the accumulation of small improvements is the most important thing. From sales representatives to engineers, we will sincerely respond to each and every minor question and request from our customers. Please contact us from the stage of "What should we do?"

First of all, we carefully listen to the customer's visible issues and wishes, and from there we find the underlying issues. The solution starts with whether or not Izumo is necessary in the first place, and the purpose of the customer and Izumo are aligned, and the most effective "mechanism" of operation is considered together.

We propose solutions to problems, achievement of objectives, and operational "systems" that look five years into the future. We offer the best mix of customer requests and Izumo's know-how and achievements to present an operation plan with a realistic price.

Proposal Content Adjustment
Please look at the proposal and let us know your further requests Please feel free to give us your opinions, such as additional operation work, budget consultation, dissatisfaction points, etc. For close teamwork with our customers, we first minimize misunderstandings and prevent "it wasn't supposed to be like this". In addition, we will cooperate in creating materials to persuade the company.

Introduction plan
We start by identifying the work that is occurring in system operation, and carefully examine the priority and importance of each work. Also, confirm the system configuration and check the consistency with the operation work. If necessary, we will dispatch engineers to the site and draw up a convincing plan based on thorough visualization.

Operational design
In order to create an effective operation system, it is important that operations are “simple” and “visible”. Stable operation is achieved by organizing the operation so that the quality of operation does not change depending on the person or time. Based on this, we aim to operate aggressively to create business value.

Operational environment preparation
We will accept and create new documents such as manuals for carrying out operation work. We will also prepare communication lines, etc. to securely connect the customer base and the Izumo Center. We will create an "operation and maintenance manual" that summarizes all of these operation tasks as a deliverable, and reach a final agreement with the customer.

Test Operation
Check the procedure manual and operation schedule through the test work. In addition, we will conduct a failure response test by actually receiving failure alerts, and perform final tuning of monitoring items.。

At the start of operation, we run an improvement cycle to pursue further stability. The start of operation is the start of operation improvement. If you have any questions or requests for improvement, please contact the Izumo Service Desk anytime, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Service Menu

AWS billing agency service

I would like to entrust the handling of the AWS contract all at once. I want to control my monthly payment.

    • Contract with AWS, account issuance, management, etc.
    • Acting for billing with AWS  
    • Fixed price for AWS (deferred) 
    • root user management  
    • Apply for AWS limit relaxation
    • Contact AWS Support
    • Inquiry at AWS failure
AWS operation and maintenance service (standard)

Want to outsource only AWS monitoring and handle operation and maintenance in-house

    • Monitoring your AWS environment  
    • Change backup execution time  
    • Operation according to the procedure prepared by the customer 
AWS operation and maintenance service (advanced)

I want to leave everything from monitoring the AWS environment to operation and maintenance.

    • Monitoring your AWS environment 
    • backup 
    • Operations such as restoration 
    • Applying security patches
    • Change various settings
    • Maintenance of monthly reports, etc. 
    • Option menu:
      Individual operation and maintenance support such as operation and maintenance of 3rd party products, creation and operation of custom scripts, etc.
AWS pre-implementation support service

Consider renewal due to the end of physical server maintenance. I want to use AWS, but I haven't been able to organize the requirements. I want to use AWS, but I can't proceed due to system restrictions. There is no progress in considering how to proceed with PoC. Even if you do PoC, it is difficult to prepare a PoC environment in-house

  • Free support for organizing requirements and policies and considering configuration
  • Arrangement of PoC requirements and preparation of the environment 
  • Free Consulting for collection requirements/study 
AWS environment construction service

I don't have an engineer to design and build I don't know the optimal configuration for the AWS cloud I want to use the AWS environment quickly and easily I want to migrate an on-premises system to the AWS cloud

  • WEB applications, business systems
  • Combined with AWS cloud and on-premises (hybrid)
  • Proposal of optimal carrier and line service (open access via Internet, closed access via leased line connection)
  • Build your business system on the AWS cloud (ERP system (SAP, etc.) introduction, WEB / business system development (Intra-Mart) is also possible)
  • Full support from introduction to operation is available even for customer companies that do not have a system manager.
AWS Migration Support Service

I don't have an engineer to design the migration I don't know the optimal configuration for the AWS cloud I want to use the AWS environment quickly and easily I want to outsource not only the migration but also the operation (Hybrid configuration)

  • web applications, business systems
  • Combined with AWS cloud and on-premises (hybrid)
  • Proposing a migration method according to the system (on-premises physical server or virtual server such as Vmware or Hyper-v environment)
  • Troublesome data migration to the cloud and support for systems with strict downtime requirements
  • Reliable data protection and disaster countermeasures & construction of BCP/DR environment (Reliable data protection and disaster countermeasures can be achieved by combining the AWS cloud storage service, a comprehensive backup tool for virtualization environments.)
Remote system operation monitoring and maintenance service

It is difficult to establish a system for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year operation monitoring within the company. Employees are exhausted from dealing with failure alerts at night on holidays. We want to outsource, but we have not organized the procedures and knowledge. There is no failure detection mechanism, and the service outage has been prolonged.

  • Operation and management of customer systems from a remote center Integrated provision of functions necessary for IT system operation, from rapid recovery in the event of a failure to daily operation work and control of related vendors.
  • Outsourced support is possible from the point of documenting knowledge
  • We provide a total service from installation of a monitoring server to management and setting changes after operation monitoring.
Please feel free to contact us

Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems with cloud implementation and operation monitoring.


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