Izumo Data Tech - Cloud Server Consulting. Remote Cloud Sever Setup, Maintenance and Support, Monitoring and Solutions

Company Profile

We provide one-stop services from consulting to system development and operation, with IT solutions for the financial, public, and telecommunications industries as our pillars. We provide IT management that matches customer needs against the backdrop of system integrator resources with comprehensive capabilities.
Trade name
Izumo Data Tech LLC
〒101-0027 1 Kanda Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 3rd East Building 5F 34
Date of Establishment
February 25, 2022
Representative Director and CEO: Muthukumar Prakasham
Director and CMO: Yosuke Nakajima
6 million yen
Email address

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Business hours
Business hours and consecutive holidays vary by business department, so please check with each business department.
Business content
1. Computer system and network introduction, operation management and maintenance management
2. System integration service
3. Information system development and maintenance outsourcing, sales and leasing
4. Electrical work related to information system, design and construction of telecommunications work
5 .Manufacturing, development, sales, and leasing of information-related equipment such as computers and software
6.Information processing, information provision, commercial transactions and their mediation using the Internet, etc.
7.Planning , investigation, research, training, education, Consignment of consulting
8. Any business incidental or related to each of the preceding items
Please feel free to contact us

Please feel free to contact us if you have any problems with cloud implementation and operation monitoring.